We are with ENSİA

We are proud and happy to join the Enerji Sanayici İş Adamları Derneği family. We wish success to the entire ENSİA family…

Npower is member of Camera di Commercio Italiana di Izmir

Italian Chamber of Commerce in Izmir was formed in 1994 and was officially recognized by the Italian Government in 1997. It is enrolled in the ‘Community of Italian Chamber of Commerce’ and is one of 81 Italian Chambers of Commerce taking place in 58 different countries. It carries on its activities depending upon the International Italian Commerce Ministry.

The aim of Izmir Italian Chamber of Commerce is to encourage commercial and economic relations between Turkey and Italy and to organize activities in fostering mutual investments between Turkey and Italy. In this regard, it organizes activities and offers services both to member organizations and non-member organizations with the goal of achieving perfection. Since 2003, it possesses ISO 9001-2015 ‘Quality Certificate’.

We are proud of member of Camera di Commercio Italiana di Izmir since 2020.

What Are Diesel Generators?

It is a fact that we need electrical energy in all aspects of our lives. The fact that this energy has become so integrated with our lives has also increased the need for sustainability and continuity of electrical energy. When our connection to existing electrical energy sources is cut off for any reason, we resort to generators in order not to be without power, and we want to continue our work without a hitch.

Generators are the most ideal machines to ensure the continuity of systems powered by electrical energy. The first generator was built in 1831 by physicist Michael Faraday and has succeeded in developing and diversifying to the present day. The principle of operation of generators is the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy. In short, it is a kind of electrical energy producer that can provide the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy.

What Is Power System Analysis?

Power system analysis in its shortest definition, electricity generation, transmission and distribution network systems are simulated through various programs and analyzed according to different scenarios.

A power system analysis study contains multiple analysis studies. The goal of every operation is to have a safe, efficient and reliable power system for your plant under both normal and abnormal conditions.

In order to perform Power Systems Analysis work, design engineers and power systems engineers are required, who must have a deep knowledge of power systems.

We already know that reliable and safe power systems are critical to our successful transmission network system. A well-designed power system provides powerful performance and maximizes the plant’s efficiency in all operating conditions, including temporary conditions such as engine start-up voltage, active-reactive loads, and generator instantaneous power generation loss.

If we do not properly design and test our facility, we may observe bad effects on our line, such as outages, failures, poor power quality and Arc glare, which can lead to significant financial losses or worse, personnel injuries.

What Is Vibration Isolation?

Vibration isolation is technically defined as isolating an object from the vibration source. Vibration is undesirable in many areas. Since human began to produce machines for industrial use, engineers have been dealing with vibration reduction and vibration isolation issues, especially due to the high vibration that occurs when the motors are started to provide power. Gradually vibration isolation became an integral part of machine design. During the last 15-20 years, a completely new technology and high vibration with modern devices began to be investigated. And appropriate insulation systems were developed.

All objects shake when exposed to impact or noise. This, in turn, can lead to the formation of physical damage to equipment. As a result of the construction of modern buildings with lightweight design materials, it has become very necessary to consider sound and vibration insulation. As is known, noise and vibration cause various negative effects on people. Every object is a source of vibration. Vibration is a problem seen in many machines and causes damage over time.